My name is Valentina Moreno and I would like to help you with the process of buying, selling, investing, or renting in Real Estate!
Let me tell you a little about myself. I was born and raised in the Dominican Republic and moved to New Jersey in 1986 in hopes to live the American dream of owning a home and raising a family. I received my Associate's in Science with Computer Information Systems and an Associate's in Applied Science in Business Application Programming, both from Essex County Community College, in 1999. While doing so, I got married and started a family of my own with my husband and 2 children who are now young adults soon to start families of their own. In 2007, we relocated to Tampa, FL to pursue a better quality of life and personal life goals. I have found that my family's quality of life has improved tremendously after moving to Florida and I would like to help those looking to improve theirs as well.
I entered the real estate business as an Investor; not too long after that, I realized I wanted to help others and I pursued my first real estate license from the state of New Jersey in 2005 because I believed in everyone's opportunity to become a homeowner. Since them, I have built upon myself and my brand by attending conferences, workshops, and classes to continue learning and improving my skill sets. My skill set includes great customer services, listening skills, organization, communication. and much more.
I enjoy the freedom the real estate business has to offer and the satisfaction of helping others with their American dream of becoming a homeowner.